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19 Poor, Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

Yikes. Just plain yikes.

1. The person whose car tire is almost comically destroyed:

a completely ruined tire

2. The person whose dumb mistake will forever be immortalized on their street:

tire marks on a street

3. The person whose partner was kind enough to let them have some of their lipstick:

"My girlfriend had a sip of my drink"

4. The person who got a little after dinner treat with their delivery:

"My food was delivered with a lit cigarette"

5. The person who might want to keep a pair of sunglasses handy next time they hit the open road:

"they followed us for 20 minutes"

6. The person whose new pot is juuuuust a bit squished:

"This is how my new pot was delivered"

7. The person who better get a-shovelin':

a car buried in snow

8. The person whose blinds shall blind no more:

"I just wanted to open the blinds"

9. The person whose bowl of soup went sky diving:

a bowl with a hole in it and spilled soup on the floor

10. The person who will now, once and for all, put the five second rule to the test:

spilled food on the floor

11. The person whose car is now 90% dough:

dough in a trunk

12. The person who will be picking out little pieces of TP until the cows come home:

lint all over clothes in the dryer

13. The person whose tire might have a little bit of a problem:

a wrench in a tire

14. The person who is going to want to turn the heat on ASAP:

snow all over the interior of a car

15. The person who might as well slap some graham crackers on those Ultraboosts:

s'mores on someone's shoe

16. The person who decided to think a bit greener that morning:

a potted plant on a bed

17. The person who just made a friend for life:

a turkey in someone's house

18. The person who will never, ever haphazardly step out of bed again:

broken glasses

19. The person who will be haunted by this glitter until the end of all time:

glitter all over the floor