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20 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

Just be glad it didn't happen to you.

1. The person who might have made a tiny error at work:

"I messed up."

2. The person whose phone is now one with the car:

"My phone is perfectly stuck."

3. The person whose clothes got a little extra grit:

Laundry all over the ground

4. The person whose egg yolk will be trapped for all eternity beneath their stove:

an egg yolk under someone's stove

5. The person who was lucky enough to have a fellow movie-goer look out for everyone afraid of the dark:

a person looking at their bright phone in a dark movie theater

6. The person who will never, ever get to use this microwave:

closeup of a microwave

7. The person who made the VERY COMMON mistake every single one of us is guilty of making at some point:

food left on the oven rack

8. The person whose wall now looks like the world's worst piece of modern art:

a badly painted wall

9. The person who loves their cat very much, I'm sure:

"My cat ate the top of the cake I baked"

10. The person who better hope that floor is over 21:

"Yes, it was my fault."

11. The person who might just want to avoid ever going outside again:

a person's swollen hand

12. The person who is literally living a nightmare:

baby spiders on someone's leg

13. The person who made the one mistake you should never make:

uncooked eggs in a pot

14. The person who made a new friend last week:

a tiny bug on the tip of someone's finger

15. The person who paid a fortune for nothing but foam:

"My $4 beer"

16. The person who is most certainly NOT enjoying some fresh hummus tonight:

a can of chickpeas with barely any chickpeas

17. The person whose tragedy sent chills down the backs of mall goths everywhere:


18. The person whose chair can only be described as "gently used":

a chair with stains on it

19. The person who might as well just skip the holiday season:

a Christmas tree with half the lights out

20. And the person who texted their boss some stuff they probably wish they didn't text their boss:

"Well that escalated quickly."