18 People Who I Know For A Fact, Like An Absolute Fact, Regret Every Single Decision They Made Last Week

    Ya hate to see it, folks.

    If you just had an absolutely terrible, no-good, bad week, just remember...

    1. The person who is about to have a very rude awakening at the airport:

    A suitcase left in the parking lot

    2. The person who ended up living a live-action Tom & Jerry episode:

    A fly swatter stuck in the skylight

    3. The person who had the unthinkable happen:

    A cheese-less cheese stick

    4. The person whose home had this touching message outside it:

    A welcome sign

    5. The person who blue themself:

    A person's knee covered in blue Sharpie

    6. The person who will never, ever be able to pee:

    A broken door knob

    7. The person who added a special blue seasoning to their burgers:

    Melted plastic on a dish

    8. The person whose apple pie looks absolutely scrum-diddly-umptious:

    Spilled sesame seeds on a pie

    9. The person who was kind enough to let a bear wait out the rain in their car:

    "A bear broke into my car"

    10. The person who either has a giant thumb or a very uncomfortable seat:

    A thumb on an armrest

    11. The person who goes to the gym with the world's sweatiest man:

    Sweat all over a seat in the gym

    12. The person whose AirPod went for a little swim:

    An AirPod in a toilet

    13. The person whose huge accomplishment was properly documented:

    A person's finger in the way of a photo

    14. The person whose dinner just got a bit more cronchy:

    Broken glass in an oven

    15. The person who REALLY, REALLY needed to get into that car:

    A broken door handle

    16. The person who just ate the world's hardest pizza:

    Broken teeth

    17. The person whose engagement ring shall engage no more:

    A broken engagement ring

    18. And the person who now has the world's stinkiest car:

    Spilled milk in a car