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18 Tortured And Miserable Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

Rough — and I can't stress this enough — stuff.

If you just had a tough, no-good, absolutely crummy week, just remember...

1. The person whose pen went absolutely nuclear in their pants:

Pen in a pocket that exploded, leaving large ink stain

2. The person whose toothbrush must now be laid to rest:

Note about a cleaner finding mouse poop on a toothbrush

3. The person who experienced a level 5 pizza-lanche:

Pizza delivered with all the cheese and toppings off the pie

4. The person whose roofer was kind enough to say hello:

Large hole in a roof showing the sky

5. The person who had to sit behind this rootin'-tootin', seat-blockin' cowboy at the hockey game:

Guy with a cowboy hat at a sports arena blocking a view

6. The person whose day went from 100 to 0 pretty dang fast:

Person who found a fake $100 bill

7. The person who got a little extra protein with their burger:

Beetle in a burger bun

8. The person whose dryer was violently attacked:

Knife stuck in a dryer

9. The person who found Grandpa's mustache crawling around their pillow:

Large caterpillar on a pillow

10. The person who must be on a hidden camera show:

Person sitting at a bare table where servers took all their food

11. The person whose neighbor absolutely eviscerated their garbage can:

Hot coals in a trash can that caused it to melt

12. The person who had to escalate things to a whole new level at the laundromat:

Angry note threatening vengeance on someone who removed their clothes from a dryer 15 minutes before they were done

13. The person who will be walking everywhere for the foreseeable future:

A very large spider inside a car

14. The person whose salad must never be opened:

Swollen salad bag full of gas

15. The person with perhaps the wrinkliest hands in existence:

Very wrinkly hands after swimming

16. The person whose pot looks like something you'd find at Akhetaten's city of Amarna:

A smashed pot in a box

17. The person who created a new life form while trying to make some eggs:

Sticky egg residue on the top of a pot that looks like a cobweb

18. And Curt:

"Curt" name tag that looks like the c-word