19 Ways To Eat Food That Are SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN To Make Them Taste Better

    Sorry, it's science.

    1. The RIGHT way to eat Skittles is to separate by color and divide and conquer:

    2. The RIGHT to eat a Pop Tart is to bite off all the sides and save that glorious filling for last:

    3. The RIGHT way to eat mac and cheese is to carefully get one on each prong of your fork:

    4. The RIGHT way to eat a Twix is to start with the caramel top and end with the cookie:

    5. The RIGHT way to eat candy corn is to bite color by color:

    6. The RIGHT way to eat Pringles is to put them in your mouth and pretend you're a duck:

    7. The RIGHT way to eat an Oreo is to stab it with a fork and dunk it in milk:

    8. The RIGHT way to eat Lucky Charms is to save those beautiful marshmallows for last:

    9. The RIGHT way to eat a Kit-Kat is by biting all the chocolate off and saving the wafer for last:

    10. The RIGHT way to eat ice cream is to let it melt a little bit and stir it into a soup. ICE CREAM SOUP:

    11. The RIGHT way to eat animal crackers is by severing their limbs ONE BY ONE:

    12. The RIGHT way to eat a Crunch bar is to go letter by letter:

    13. The RIGHT way to eat Reese's is to eat the outer ridges and save that delicious center for last:

    14. The RIGHT way to eat a Twizzler is to bite off the top and bottom and use it as a straw:

    15. The RIGHT way to eat fries is to dunk them in whatever milkshake you have available:

    16. The RIGHT way to eat peanut M&Ms is chocolate first, then peanut:

    17. The RIGHT way to eat string cheese is to peel that sucker:

    18. The RIGHT way to eat Bugles is to put 'em on your fingers and pretend you're a witch:

    19. And, finally, the RIGHT way to eat a sandwich is diagonally. This is just a fact: