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The 35 Cutest Facts Of All Time

I'm about to drop a bomb on you. An adorable, adorable bomb.

1. A cat version of the corgi exists: the munchkin cat.

2. A group of kittens is called a kindle.

Also, a group of hedgehogs is called a prickle.

And a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.

And, just so you know, a group of pugs is called a grumble.

3. Otters hold hands when they are asleep so that they don't float away from each other.

And there's a little pouch on an otter's body where it can keep its favorite rock.

4. When you shave a guinea pig it looks like a little hippo.

5. Sea horses mate for life and travel holding each other’s tails.

6. Puffins also mate for life.

...And baby puffins are called pufflings.

7. The elephant shrew's closest relative isn't a shrew — it's actually an elephant.

8. When rabbits get really excited and start to jump around it's called a binky.

9. There have been studies that show that goats, like us, have accents.

10. Male pups will sometimes let female pups “win” when they play-fight so they can get to know them better.

11. Cats bring you presents.

12. Red pandas can have tails that grow up to 18 inches — despite being the size of a house cat.

13. It is actually impossible to be as ugly as the blobfish.

14. And it's also impossible to be happier than a quokka, the world's happiest animal.

15. Dolphins have names for one another.

16. Hundreds of trees grow every year because of squirrels that forgot where they buried their food.

17. Cuddling releases serotonin and oxytocin, which can help improve one's mood and fight depression.

18. Cows have best friends and get upset when they're apart.

19. In Welsh folklore, corgis were the preferred method of transportation for fairies.

20. Katy Perry has a cat named Kitty Purry.

21. Not only do penguins mate for life, but they also spend time finding a pebble to give their mate in order to "propose."

By the way, Norway once knighted a penguin.

22. Octopuses actually do make gardens by collecting stones and shiny things and arranging them in the sand. Ringo was right.

23. A smile means the same thing in every language.

24. Baby echidnas are called puggles.

25. You can tickle a penguin.

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26. There is no way to angrily say the word bubbles.

27. There's a German shepherd who has become a seeing-eye dog for a blind spaniel.

28. The voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married in real life.

29. Ornithophobia is the irrational fear of birds.

30. You know Koko the gorilla, who could communicate with sign language? Well, she had a pet kitten, and one time Koko's trainers went to visit Koko and saw that the sink had been ripped out of the wall. Koko, when asked who had done it, blamed it on the cat.

31. A whale's penis is called a dork.

32. Gorillas can remember their old friends.

33. And so can lions.

34. Finally, just know that somewhere in the world a momma cat is pushing her baby around...

A meercat is making friends with a stuffed meercat...

A dog is celebrating his birthday...

And these animals are laughing with you, not at you.

35. Well, maybe not all of them.

Post inspired by this subreddit as well as this thread here and this list.