21 Of The Dumbest Arguments Americans Have Ever Made Against Cancelling Student Loans

    "I suffered and now everyone else should too."

    So, to bring you up to speed, starting next month, students and former students across the United States will have to start paying their student loans again for the first time since March 2020. This has led to increased calls for the US government to cancel student loan debt, and increased whining from people who don't want that to happen. Here are some of the arguments the latter are making:

    1. The "I Can't Gift Money Away" argument:

    2. The "I'm Not Babysitting Millennials" argument:

    3. The "It's Their Choice" argument:

    4. The "Everyone Needs To Do What I Did" argument:

    5. The "No Excuses" argument:

    6. The "What About Doctors" argument:

    7. The "It's A Slap In The Face" argument:

    8. The "Join The Army" argument:

    9. The "It's Only Good When The Government Gives ME Money" argument:

    10. The "Money Is The Only Reason A Degree Matters" argument:

    11. The "Work Multiple Jobs" argument:

    12. The "I Worked Through It 50 Years Before Student Loans Existed" argument:

    13. The "Kids Should Start Scavenging Early" argument:

    14. The "What's Next, Forgiving Medical Debt" argument:

    The "What's Next, Forgiving ALL Debt" argument:

    15. The "Next Thing You're Gonna Tell Me HOUSING Is A Right Too" argument:

    16. The "I Signed The Predatory Contract" argument:

    17. The "College Students Are The Least Needy Group Of People" argument:

    18. The "My Bills Are MY Responsibility" argument:

    19. The "If You Have Loans, You Shouldn't Be Able To Vote" argument:

    20. The "Education Is Not A Human Right" argument:

    21. And the "I Did Back In My Day, Why Can't You" argument: