27 Food Pictures That Are So Perfect They're Borderline Erotic


    1. Perfect.

    2. I never knew peanut butter could be so beautiful.

    3. I want to marry these pancakes.

    4. Yessssss.

    5. Bliss.

    6. It's perfect.

    7. I love you, cake.

    8. Gorgeous.

    9. Like a work of art.

    10. Ahhhhhh.

    11. Greater than the greatest pyramid.

    12. Perfection.

    13. You're perfect the way you are, little bun.

    14. Oh yes.


    16. Zen.

    17. Yes, yes, yes.

    18. Brings a tear to my eye.

    19. I need you now, little pancakes.

    20. Who knew pizza could be even more perfect?

    21. So beautiful.

    22. Ahhhhhh.

    23. Yessss.

    24. I want to scoop you forever.

    25. Perfect.

    26. Hnnnnng.

    27. It's just... it's just so perfect.