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19 Poor Souls Who I Know For A FACT Regret Literally Every Single Decision They Made Last Week

Tough cookies. Tough, tough cookies.

1. The person whose iron is currently burning a hole to the center of the Earth:

An iron that burned through an ironing board to a rug

2. The person who will be going to AppleCare with a very interesting story:

A cellphone inside an alligator's mouth

3. The person who lost the first battle in the war against the machines:

An ATM with a Windows 7 "Shutting down" scream and the caption, "My card is still inside the ATM"

4. The person whose morning coffee had an extra-special ingredient:

An insect in coffee grinds

5. The person who had perhaps the most tragic thing in the world happen to them:

A large chocolate smoothie falls all over a rug with the caption "I took one sip"

6. The person whose bananas simply unraveled:

Each of the bananas in a hanging bunch is stripped of one part of its peel and falls to the counter surface

7. The person who ran into a Looney Tunes scenario while moving:

A U-Haul truck stuck in a tunnel with the caption "I got stuck"

8. The person whose bed was absolutely desecrated:

Bird poop comes through a window and lands on their sheets

9. The person whose mom made a very sticky mistake:

A gallon jug of Elmer's school glue in the fridge, with the caption "This new milk my mom bought tastes funny"

10. The person whose cats' love language is causing an absolutely gigantic mess:

An array of house plants and their spilled soil all over a wood floor, with the caption "I love my cats"

11. The person whose bagel is currently under construction:

Close-up of a screw in a buttered bagel with the caption, "There's a screw in my bagel"

12. The person whose candle went absolutely nuclear:

Candle wax all over a computer screen with the caption, "I blew out my candle way too hard"

13. The person with the most beautiful view in all the land:

The back of a gray, nondescript, badly painted, boarded-up building seen from a balcony, with the caption "My hotel room promised a 'city view'"

14. The person who found an ancient fossil print in the quinoa flour:

A handprint in a bin of quinoa flour at the store, with the caption "Welp, no quinoa flour today"

15. The person who loves their dog very much, I'm sure:

A DoorDash paper bag with a hole in the bottom hanging from a fence, and a dog eating the remnants of a takeout order on the grass below, with the caption "My dog got to my food before I could"

16. The person whose retainer shall retain no more:

A tiny spring on a finger, with the caption "My $400 retainer broke"

17. The person who can never, ever open this trash can:

A large trash can on the grass with an infestation of what looks like small maggots all over the top, with the caption "I thought it was rice at first"

18. The person who must have angered the fridge gods:

A top of a fridge just a tad higher than the wall above it, with the caption "My new fridge is an eighth of an inch too tall"

19. And the person who needs to stop associating with this monster:

A box of donuts, each with a bite taken out of it, with the caption "Someone decided to 'taste test' every single donut"