27 Parents Who Definitely Immediately Regretted Every Single Decision That Led To This Moment

    Honestly, not ideal.

    If you're having a rough day, just be glad you're not...

    1. The parents whose kids might have forgotten one little thing:

    2. The parents whose kid was nice enough to plant an AirPod tree:

    AirPods just visible in the soil, with a person holding an empty case

    3. The parents whose kid likes their noodles with extra fire:

    4. The parents whose kids played Jenga in a zone never designed for Jenga:

    5. The parents whose kids murdered a beanbag chair in cold blood:

    6. The parents whose kid made a beautiful piece of art:

    7. The parents whose entire house now has a very distinct scent:

    Kid peed in a humidifier and now urine is misted onto every surface of the room

    8. The parents whose kids just wanted a new TV:

    9. The parents who made a grave, grave error:

    10. The parents whose kid was kind enough to give the toilet paper a thorough bath:

    11. The parents whose kid learned a very valuable skill today:

    12. The parents whose kids were telling the truth the entire time:

    13. The parents whose kids can never be trusted again:

    14. The parents whose kid was caught red-handed:

    Kid who put a cellphone in the toilet

    15. The parents whose kid just wanted to feed the ol' toilet:

    16. The parents whose kid likes their soup EXTRA MOLTEN:

    17. The parents whose kid was kind enough to share the poison ivy with everyone:

    18. The parents whose house smells very nice, I am sure:

    19. The parents who perfected the Ruin Your Microwave Challenge:

    20. The parents who forgot about ooooone little thing:

    Melted PlayStation controllers

    21. The parents whose kids were also kind enough to cool down the car overnight:

    22. The parents whose kids decided it was time for a new window:

    23. The parents whose kid is running their own ant farm:

    24. The parents whose kids don't know the difference between plenty and three:

    25. The parents whose kid has no time for sorted supplies:

    26. The parents whose kid loves the taste of drywall in the morning:

    27. The parents whose kids use this abomination: