35 People Who Spent A Toooooooooooooooon Of Money On Something And Pretty Much Immediately Regretted It

    They say buyer beware, but come on. This is ridiculous.

    1. The person who got this sandwich for ANTS:

    Someone holding a tiny sandwich

    2. The person whose imagination will be working overtime tonight:

    "$200 for this beautiful view of the stage"

    3. The person who asked for extra fries and got extra lies:

    Chicken strips with hardly any fries

    4. The person who bought this monitor for even more ANTS:

    A tiny monitor next to a full-size keyboard

    5. The person whose car got a fresh coat of "white-out":

    A white car with some gray-white smudges covering scrapes

    6. The person whose fruit cup consisted of maybe 1/4 of an apple:

    "$2 for a 'seasonal fruit cup'"

    7. The person whose new jeans are just slightly different from what they ordered:

    Side-by-side of white jeans

    8. The person who won't be able to send their kid to college after this breakfast:

    Closeup of someone's breakfast

    9. The person with the best seat in the house:

    A large pillar blocking someone's view of the stage

    10. The person with the saddest sandwich I've ever seen:

    A sandwich that's mostly lettuce and greens and hardly any meat

    11. The person who got served the saddest sausage of all time:

    A piece of sausage with three green peppers on top

    12. The person who got the most beautiful view in the world:

    Two buildings very close together

    13. The person who paid for perhaps the saddest amount of rice I've ever seen:

    "Rice was extra"

    14. The person whose sandwich was more like a sadwich:

    "This sandwich was eight whole American dollars."

    15. The person who cracked open a new bag of Oop! All Stems:

    Broccoli stems

    16. The person whose retainer shall retain no more:

    A tiny spring on a finger, with the caption "My $400 retainer broke"

    17. The person who got the best seat in the whole house:

    Seat directly behind a huge pole at a sports stadium

    18. The person whose sandwich was less of a "grilled cheese" and more of just a "cheese":

    Cheese in bread

    19. The person whose dog was nice enough to keep their expensive ring extra safe and sound:

    engagement ring shown in the xray of a dog

    20. The person who got the avocado equivalent of a slap in the face:

    A small piece of avocado on a sandwich

    21. The person who received the finest in frozen cuisine:

    $14 for two frozen waffles and tater tots

    22. The person who is going to need a gallon of water to wash down this dry pasta:

    Dry pasta

    23. The person who might not be able to buff that out of their ring:

    Flattened ring that fell in a garbage disposal

    24. The person who paid hard-earned cash for some goop:

    "$5 for this abomination"

    25. The person whose new AirPods belong to the arachnids now:

    An AirPod in a spider's web in a garage

    26. The person who learned a valuable lesson about online shopping:

    A tiny ottoman

    27. The person who paid buco dolares to always be reminded of their bad haircut:

    A bad haircut

    28. The person who was generously given the worst portion of rice they could've been given:

    A small bowl of rice

    29. The person who probably will not be getting their tux deposit back:

    Wedding pants that ripped an hour before the ceremony

    30. The person whose new couch just became an Air Couch:

    couch stuck in a stairwell

    31. The person who got the Michael Scott special at their hotel:

    A tiny TV mounted on the wall

    32. The person who goes to UAB, also known as the University of Awful Burgers:

    bad looking burger

    33. The person who spent half their paycheck on a mushy salad:

    "This salad was f**king 21 dollars"

    34. The person who rented a place with a hot tub that definitely contains heretofore undiscovered species:

    A hot tub with a stained cover and dank water with bubbles is at the place they rented

    35. And the person who paid half their rent for a big salty potato:

    just a big potato