18 People Who Got Roasted Online So Viciously They Just Gotta Delete Their Account

    Got 'em.

    1. On wealth:

    person who says only poor people have big tvs and someone says rich people have theaters

    2. On periods:

    person who says rolling an ankle is worse than periods and someone responds i'm so glad girls don't have ankles

    3. On viruses:

    facebvook post about someone citing a low virus death rate but they put all the zeroes in front of the decimal point

    4. On Mars:

    someone asking why there are no night time photos from the mars rover and someone responds with a black square

    5. On Columbus Day:

    someone saying tthey'll celebrate columbus day and a person responds what are you gonna do get lost in the spice aisle

    6. On cellphones:

    tweet about someone getting mad homeless people have phones

    7. On pronouns:

    person who says they dont use pronouns besides me which is a pronoun

    8. On the behind:

    person who says anal sex is a sin and then another person says you must be concieved via anal

    9. On the Bible:

    facebook post where someone cities the bible and gets owned by a bible quote in return

    10. On Queen:

    person who thinks queen is from america

    11. On taxes:

    person who doesn't understand how taxes work

    12. On fast food:

    person who goes into burger king just to get diet cokes

    13. On sexuality:

    person who uses the wrong there

    14. On food:

    shower thoughtts post where someone says you're not eating you're just chewing and swallowing and someone says yeah that's called eating

    15. On houses:

    person who doesn't understand why houses are so expensive

    16. On atheism:

    person who says how do you find an atheiest oh they'll tell you and then a person responds by pointing out the hypocrisy

    17. On healthcare:

    person who thinks people in other countries can't pick healthcare

    18. And on cafes:

    person who says everyone in cafes is below them and the someone says judging by this comment literally nobody is below you