I Spend All Day Looking For Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Pictures, And These Are The 22 Best I Saw Last Week

    These pictures will blow you away, trust me.

    1. This was the menu aboard the Titanic days before it sank:

    A menu from the Titanic

    2. The doors on the presidential limousine are ridiculously thick:

    A Secret Service agent opening a car door for Barack Obama

    3. This is what the leg of the largest dinosaur to ever exist, the Argentinosaurus, looks like compared to a human:

    A woman standing next to a dinosaur leg in a museum

    4. There's a huge crater on Mars that's filled with ice:

    A crater on Mars

    5. This is what velcro looks like under an electron microscope:

    Velcro under a microscope

    6. This is what a deconstructed escalator looks like:

    A deconstructed escalator

    7. There's a bird that looks like it has a bowl cut. My friends, meet the crested canary:

    A crested canary

    8. This is what a Hoover Dam spillway tunnel looks like. Check out the tiny, tiny walkway on top:

    The Hoover Dam

    9. This is what a gorilla going to the dentist looks like:

    A dentist working on a gorilla

    Gorillas... they're just like us!

    A gorilla getting dental work done

    10. Saturn has a moon named Mimas that looks pretty much exactly like the Death Star:

    Closeup of Mimas

    11. ...but that's just a coincidence. Mimas was first seen up close and clear three years after Star Wars came out:

    The Death Star

    12. A cardinal with no feathers on its head is absolutely terrifying:

    A cardinal without feathers on its head

    13. A group of Japanese samurai visited the Great Sphinx of Giza in 1864:

    Samurai at the Great Sphinx of Giza

    14. This is a pepperbox pistol, a type of firearm that could have as many as 24 barrels:

    A pepperbox pistol

    15. Stink bug eggs have little smiley faces on them:

    Stink bug eggs

    16. Some Chinese soldiers have pins attached to their collars in order to correct posture during exercises:

    A pin in someone's collar

    17. This lovable lump is a sea hare, a species of gigantic slugs found on the California coast:

    A sea hare

    18. Allen wrenches can be absolutely enormous:

    A giant Allen wrench

    19. And bananas, my boy, bananas can be very, very tiny:

    A hand holding a tiny banana

    20. The Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden is home to an almost completely preserved 17th-century warship:

    A giant ship

    21. This is what a suit of elephant armor looked like:

    A suit of elephant armor

    22. And this is Pelorus Jack, a dolphin that spent two decades helping to guide ships through the "treacherous" French Pass in New Zealand:

    Pelorus Jack dolphin in a news clipping