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I've Searched High And Far For The Most Fascinating Pictures On The Internet, And I'm Absolutely Obsessed With These 19 I Found Last Week

My head is spinning after seeing these pictures.

1. This is how big the scoreboard at the Denver Broncos' football stadium is:

Closeup of the Broncos scoreboard

2. And this is how huge the jumbotron at AT&T Stadium is:

Closeup of the jumbotron

3. This is what a peeled coconut looks like:

4. Fire hydrants are LOOOOOONG:

Fire hydrants

5. Babies used to travel up with the luggage on planes:

A baby in a luggage compartment

6. Looks totally fine to me:

A baby in a luggage compartment

7. Before he was James Bond, Sean Connery competed in the Mr. Universe pageant in 1953:

Young Sean Connery

8. There are globes that also show elevation:

A globe that shows elevation

9. That little black dot is Mercury passing in front of the sun:

Arrow pointing at Mercury

10. This is allegedly the death mask of William Shakespeare:

William Shakespeare's death mask

11. While we're on the subject, this is the death mask of Ludwig van Beethoven:

Beethoven's death mask

12. White cucumbers exist:

A white cucumber

13. Both seals and sea lions have nails:

A sea lion's nails

14. Someone had to hand-carve all of the presidents' eyes on Mount Rushmore:

Someone climbing Mt. Rushmore

15. This is what a hairless raccoon looks like:

A hairless raccoon

16. This is the View Phone, a video phone developed by Toshiba in 1964 that allowed for real-time proto-FaceTiming:

People using the View Phone

17. This is Amar Bharati, an Indian holy man who has kept his right arm raised for 48 straight years to honor Shiva:

Amar Bharati

18. This is what happens if you wear a ring that's too tight for too long of a time:

An indention in someone's finger

19. And, finally, this is what's on an "American" pizza in the Czech Republic:
