23 Pictures 99% Of Millennials And 0% Of Gen Zers Will Be Able To Hear INSTANTLY


    1. The click of the wheel before you took another picture:

    2. The loudest sound known to humankind:

    3. That "ding" when the logo showed up:

    4. The dial-up tone followed by the robotic "you've got mail":

    5. The crinkle of the inside of a VHS case:

    6. That static-y sound:

    7. The most exciting eight words in the english language:

    8. The door opening and door closing sound effect of AIM:

    9. And that chime you heard when you got a message:

    10. The truly epic startup sound of a Playstation:

    11. The peaceful tones of the Windows XP screen while logging in:

    12. The uncomfortable squeaky plastic-y sound of inflatable furniture:

    13. The soulful rendition of the Krusty Krab pizza song:

    14. The lyrics to this absolute banger:

    15. The zzz-klack of these magnets:

    16. This guy's unmistakable accent:

    17. The high pitched click clack of Mr. Krabs walking:

    18. "One, a two-HOO, ah-three":

    19. The fart noise these tapes made when you took them out or put them in:

    20. The sensual tones of Dexter speaking french:

    21. This couple arguing about how hot it was outside:

    22. Miss Cleo's iconic "call me now":

    23. The rhyme you'll never get out of your head: