Sorry, But It's Actually Physically Impossible Not To Laugh At These 35 Pictures Today

    Give it a go.

    1. The worst idea:

    picture of a quesadilla that reads 9 layer case idea

    2. The perfect pizza topping:

    crushed peppers container reading cruch papers

    3. The duality of man:

    ketchup bottle reading ketchap

    4. The most important alarm:

    Smoke alarm reading "smork alam"

    5. The perfect place to sit:

    bench labled banch

    6. A pleasant thank you:

    Sign reading "thank you manmamangment"

    7. Poops through space and time:

    picture of a sign that misspells porta-potties as portal potties

    8. A must with every bagel:

    Cream cheese container reading "cheam creems"

    9. Fire safety 101:

    fire extinguisher horribly mispelled

    10. The trash:

    Shopping cart reading "garbich"

    11. Everyone's favorite topping:

    Sprinkles container reading "ranibow sprimkle"

    12. The leafy green of choice:

    Spinach container reading "spinch"

    13. The best condiment:

    Ketchup container reading "kepchup"

    14. Delicious guts:

    Chicken nuggets container labeled "chicken nutguts"

    15. A breakfast staple:

    Oatmeal container labeled "oatmeat"

    16. The only broth for hands:

    Soap dispenser labeled "hand soup"

    17. A balanced breakfast:

    Sign reading "scarmmbled eggs"

    18. The one rule:

    Sign reading "no smorking"

    19. The best cuppa coffee in town:

    Starbucks knockoff where it says "sbartucks"

    20. The most delicious spice:

    Nutmeg container labeled "nugmet"

    21. The sale of a century:

    Sign reading "groj sale"

    22. The dumbest stick:

    Sign reading "dumsticks & thighs"

    23. More sprinkle goodness:

    Container reading "rowbow sprinkles"

    24. The most delicious mammal:

    sign reading chocolate mouse

    25. That campfire treat:

    Sign misspelling marshmallows

    26. Workout equipment:

    Facebook marketplace listing reading "dumbles"

    27. Little bebbies:

    Sign reading "strawbebbies for sale"

    28. An important reminder of what you are:

    Sign reading "belssed"

    29. Paper towel royalty:

    Paper towel dispenser labeled "napkings"

    30. The nuggest of all:

    Sign reading "chichen nuggest"

    31. The maximum number of bullets:

    ad for a bulletin board that reads bullet ten board

    32. Body milk:

    Milk dispenser labeled "skin milk"

    33. The scariest bugs around:

    Snapchat of a praying mantis labeled "wtf prang mantas"

    34. Swampy potaos:

    Mashed potatoes with a sign labeled "marsh potao"

    35. A note from management:

    sign that reads we are closed sorry for the convenious

    And the best vegetable around:

    Kid's answer to a question of their favorite vegetable reading "brogle"