27 Things Basically Everyone Has Experienced But Never, Ever Talks About

    It's all true.

    1. The tingles:

    tweet reading me hits my elbow my entire nervous system and it's a photo of a glitched out homer simpson

    2. The unruly hoodie:

    Twitter: @samueldcfc

    3. The flailing:

    tweet reading chasing after a ping pong ball is wildly dehumanizing

    4. The smack:

    Twitter: @eduardonut0

    5. That lil' awkward shuffle:

    that awkward little run when someone lets you cross the street

    Twitter: @DearVaughn

    6. The longest walk:

    when u get in bed and forget to turn off the lights

    Twitter: @diabolllus

    7. The very important distinction:

    Twitter: @HybridOriginal_

    8. The cup cleanup:

    Twitter: @kurokenji_

    9. The sheer discomfort:

    Twitter: @bts_sus_

    10. The ol' garbage-can read:

    Reading cooking instructions off the bag I just threw out

    Twitter: @davidconfused

    11. The existential drive:

    me forgetting that i exist while i’m driving

    Twitter: @damn_lui

    12. The hole of no return:

    EVERYTHING gets lost here 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Twitter: @KushPapii

    13. The immediate forgetfulness:

    *3 seconds after locking the door* Me: Did I lock the door? Brain:

    Twitter: @allisenpai_

    14. The thirst:

    Twitter: @Havensrelated

    15. The showering necessities:

    Damn gotta shower. Damn.The Ima be late Speaker

    Twitter: @SoyOscar98

    16. The longest minute:

    You never realize how long a minute is until you’re exercising

    Twitter: @cocomkan

    17. The cutoff story:

    When you want to go back to sleep to finish the storyline of your dream:

    Twitter: @AsifUllah22

    18. The immediate ripening:

    Twitter: @AlHaill_RSA

    19. The room fashion show:

    when you clean your room & you leave to see how it would look if someone walked in

    Twitter: @Stetson_nl

    20. The 100-ton pull:

    When you've got ear phones in but forget and walk away from your laptop

    Twitter: @_sirhamza

    21. The immediate tracking:

    my impatient ass tracking the order i just placed 2 minutes ago

    Twitter: @lexisggabrielle

    22. The ol' phone double check:

    Does anyone else ever pull their phone out to check the time but then have to do it again cuz they forgot to actually look at the clock or am I just stupid

    Twitter: @sarahmaIoney

    23. Those precious three minutes:

    if i wake up at 7:27 and my alarm was set for 7:30 you can bet 100% imma close my eyes and go back to sleep for those 3 minutes 😭

    Twitter: @Kay__D0t

    24. The brain betrayal:

    Me: whoa that was a crazy dream Brain (7 secs later): what dream?

    Twitter: @princemichaelsx

    25. The failed introduction:

    One of my biggest faults is that when I ask someone their name I forget to listen to what their name is. I really need to work on this

    Twitter: @TraeGilley

    26. The song stuff:

    Me trying to squeeze a 5 minute song in before I arrive at my destination that's 2 minutes away

    Twitter: @StealingHearts_

    27. And those wonderful late night scenarios:

    Twitter: @ibz_i3