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35 People Who Paid A Ton Of Money For Something And Pretty Much Immediately Regretted It

That's gonna hurt (your wallet).

If you're feeling bad about a purchase you just made or some money you lost, just remember...

1. The person who had their clothes absolutely destroyed:

2. The person who got a pizza FOR ANTS:

3. The person who should maybe just think of their broken crystal frame as a very expensive glass LEGO set:

4. The person who might be hearing music a bit more on the left side:

5. The person who can never, ever set foot in this building again:

6. The person who got a smoothie for HEALTH CONSCIOUS ANTS:

7. The person who might want to find some superglue:

8. The person who paid a little extra just to use the greatest gift of all — their imagination:

9. The person who will never be able to rest as long as that zero is an O:

10. The person who is either 7'9" or got a chicken wing FOR ANTS:

11. The person loves their dog very much, I'm sure:

12. The person who had to let their guitar breathe a bit:

13. The person whose washing machine apparently spontaneously combusted:

14. The person who learned life's most important lesson the hardest way:

A TV that fell from being mounted

15. The person who spent four long years for one long, crooked diploma:

16. The person whose cat was kind enough to share all over their expensive noise canceling headphones:

17. The person who learned a hard(wood) lesson about floors:

18. The person who will be enjoying a plate of melted controller:

Melted PS4 controllers

19. The person kind enough to let their computer get a little air:

20. The person who might just want to walk out the back door never to return to their job:

21. The person who I'm sure loves their dog very much:

22. The person who probably wishes they had a slightly bigger garage:

23. The person who I'm sure also loves their dog very much:

24. The person who will be enjoying a plate of toasted iPhone:

25. The person who I'm sure loves their toddler very much:

26. The person who is about to go Scuba Grillin':

27. The person who might want to throw on a few extra layers:

28. The person who might just regret getting that type of garage:

29. The person who gave their car floor a fresh new paint job:

30. The person who was lucky enough to find their lost ring:

31. The person who has a nice, rugged phone now:

32. The person who fell with the force of a thousand suns:

33. The person who will now be running water experiments for the foreseeable future:

34. The person who just found out how magnetism works:

35. And the person who was defeated by a grain of rice:

A laptop screen broken by a grain of rice