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Help, I Can't Stop Laughing At These 22 Extremely Dumb Things People Actually Posted On The Internet Last Month

Let's try to think before we post in August, folks.

1. On differences:

"Teach there own."

2. On the end of the world:

"Zombie a pack of lips lmao"

3. On baby feeding:

"Stop being rude. Breaths feeding is great for babies"

4. On acting:

"An actor is an actor."

5. On seals:

person mixing up the words carnivore and carnival

6. On weirdness:

"It is off pudding to set up right on the trail."

7. On a cat's diet:


8. On lions:

"It would be like a lion in the savannah devouring a gazebo"

9. On wonderful recipes:

"I put sour cream on my double chocolate chip cake."

10. On traveling:

"Well, I'm not sure if I agree but ok"

11. On recipe modification:

"We'd definitely recommend preparing this recipe as written..."

12. On breakfast dreams:


13. On different types of dog:

Closeup of a pug

14. On delicious food:

person who says gore may instead of gourmet

15. On rain:

"Tired of being soak and wet from all this rain on me.."

16. On glasses:

"My son left his glasses at the park behind"

17. On missing letters:

"Absolutely gutted"

18. On Pride:

person who thinks an ireland flag is a pride flag

19. On the galaxy:

perrson who doesn't undersand the galaxy we are in

20. On campaigning:

"Did you mean a hearse?"

21. On growing up:

I thought we were all adults

22. And on corn:

"It's a recipe for Mexican Sour Cream not creamed corn."