23 "Facts" You Probably Believed Your Entire Childhood That Are Completely And Totally Fake

    I'm still not taking any chances.

    1. That gum from second grade is still there:

    tweet reading did anyone else use to believe that gum would stay in your stomach for 7 years if you swallowed it

pls say yes or i’ll feel weird

    2. We need to pass legislation against the Bermuda Triangle:

    3. If you turn on the light, we're all gonna die:

    tweet reading Why did my momma make me think it was illegal to turn a light on in a car while you were driving throughout my whole childhood

    4. These things are some of the most poisonous objects on the planet:

    Who else believed as a kid this silica gel packs had poison in them...? ☻

    Twitter: @mubashirjan007

    They're non-toxic.

    5. Dogs and cats fall into two specific categories:

    tweet reading when i was younger i thought all dogs were boys and all cats were girls

    6. There's something hiding in the ultrachlorinated deep end:

    shark in the deep end of a pool

    7. You're gonna grow a tree:

    tweet reading 8 year old me: *accidentally swallows watermelon seed*

friends: omg you know the watermelon is gonna grow in your stomach!?

    8. The world used to be only two colors:

    tweet reading when i was a kid i thought that the world was in black and white

    9. The moon is always on the hunt:

    tweet reading Please tell me I'm not the only one that thought the moon was following me when travelling at night when I was a kid ???

    10. There's a killer behind that:

    tweet reading When I was a kid every time I went to the bathroom I was paranoid like
and its a guy looking behind a curtain

    11. The only way to fight off the monster is to open up:

    tweet reading Me opening my eyes after washing my hair for .2 seconds cuz i think a demon watching me

    12. Quicksand's gonna getcha:

    As a child, I believed quicksand would be a much bigger problem in my life than it turned out to be.

    Twitter: @iresimpsonsfans

    13. Your face will stick:

    tweet reading Do parents still tell their kids “your face is going to get stuck like that” when they make ugly faces? Or was that only used to traumatize our generation?

    14. Man-eating plants are going to hunt you down:

    when i was a kid i thought that if i put my finger in a venus fly trap i was just gonna straight up lose that finger so i was genuinely scared of them until i was like 12

    Twitter: @91FLICKERR

    15. Tearing off the mattress tag is a capital offense:

    Did anyone else believe as a kid that theyd go to prison or arrested if they ripped the tag off of a pillow or mattress?

    Twitter: @lilmissveg

    16. Your eyes will get stuck like that:

    Did anyone else’s parents used to tell them if you cross your eyes too long they’ll get stuck like that?

    Twitter: @sydgarv14

    17. The blue part has special powers:

    eraser that says the legend said that blue part could erase ink

    18. Showers give you water powers:

    facebook post reading nobody me in t he shower thinking water is coming out my fingers

    19. That demon will get you:

    tweet reading when you turn off the basement lights and run upstairs before the demon catches you

    20. There is no funnier joke:

    meme about the joke why was 6 afraid of 7 because 7 8 9

    21. This is the key to making a remote work:

    tweet reading how you hold your remote when batteries get low

    22. That's definitely an ocean monster:

    tweet about seaweed touching your foot

    23. And finally, $100 is gonna buy you a mansion:

    tweet reading growing up sucks because you realize 100 isn't a lot of money