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23 Reasons Why Millennials Are A Complete And Total Disgrace To The Entire World

They're the worst.

1. They're so stuck-up.

2. They're obsessed with crazy things.

3. They have ridiculous goals.

This quarantine is the closest any of us millennials will get to retirement.

4. They spend their money on the worst stuff.

5. They're entitled.

6. They're just plain useless.

7. They have it way too easy.

"kids these days have it too easy" said the generation that could buy a house on a wage from unskilled work at age 21

8. They're impolite.

9. They're awful to service industry people.

10. They're impatient.

"Millennials are so entitled" says BabyBoomerBarbara as she loses her shit when the waiter takes longer than 30 secs to get her drink order

11. They're just plain rude.

12. They have no sense of humor.

"This generation can't take a joke" Our entire generation laughs at fucking internet memes all day long we just don't like racist jokes

13. They can't even grasp how simple it is to buy a house.

Maybe if millennials spent less on brunch and more on particle physics research they could travel to 1974 and afford a house. Just a thought

14. They're always getting offended.

15. They're so impatient.

My grandfather, whose favorite hobby is reminding me how rude and entitled my generation is, just called the kid working the counter at Baskin Robbins a “limp-dick jabroni” because they ran out of rainbow sprinkles.

16. They can't even write in cursive!

17. They have no idea how money works.

18. They can't even get a job.

19. They can't stop talking about Fraps.

20. They know nothing about design.

Baby boomers blame millennials for everything BUT WHO PUT CARPET OVER ALL THESE HARDWOOD FLOORS PATRICIA

21. They never do anything fun.

22. They are fiscally irresponsible.

23. They have no work ethic.