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If You Think You're Having A Horrible Day, Just Remember These 19 People

It ain't so bad!

If you think you're having a horrible day, just remember...

1. At least you aren't this forgetful:

2. And at least you didn't turn your corn to coal:

3. And, hey, you didn't stick your head where it doesn't belong:

4. Look at the bright side: you still have your car:

5. Your keys:

6. And you aren't about to take a huge bite out of old tomato:

7. Think about the positives - your living room is dry:

8. Your car didn't get a new paint job:

9. And your mouth isn't full of ants:

10. Think about it this way - you didn't get attacked by birds today:

11. Or, uhhhh, you know, by birds today:

12. At least you don't have a job interview tomorrow:

13. And at least your professor isn't mocking your every move:

14. And, hey, at least you didn't violate the floor:

15. At least you weren't betrayed by a vegetable:

16. Or by your own tongue:

17. At least you didn't get fired just for trying to stay alive:

18. And, hey, at least you're not Joe Turo:

19. And if you ever feel bad, just remember: you didn't think million dollar bills exist: