75 Pictures That Make Me Grin Uncontrollably No Matter How Many Times I've Seen Them

    Soothe your soul.

    If every day the world seems like the absolute worst to you, just remember...

    1. The brand-new cars:

    man eating a bag of chips while admiring his new car

    2. The fantastic sayings:

    polish man who says the child must not be an obstacle after asking if a kid will be upset wiith loud noise

    3. The tight-knit families:

    kid who calls the babysitter family

    4. The words of motivation:

    there’s a soft wee cactus in my hall and whenever i touch it on passing i say ouch and pretend it hurt to encourage it’s confidence

    Twitter: @cliomcl

    5. The dangerous, dangerous vehicles:

    man playing a prank with a tiniy motorcycle

    6. The family dinners:

    cat family waiting for dinner

    7. The new types of currency:

    man who gives a girl ice cream iin exchange for a blue rock

    8. The extra dairy:

    kid who gets two gallons of milk for free from the store

    9. The huge celebrations:

    this woman just came and bought $300 worth of fireworks and I was being nice and said “ooh are ya planning a big bbq” and she said “no my son has muscular distrophy and was supposed to die by 18, we’re celebrating his 40th birthday tomorrow, he likes fireworks” wow God is good

    Twitter: @chloxdawson

    10. The meetings of the minds:

    dog and a snail enjoying time together

    11. The disc memories:

    touching memory to a deceased disc player

    12. The money well spent:

    We pay my oldest $1 every time he reads a book. We’re talking 160 page chapter books. 😂 I’m out $120 this year and he thinks he’s ripping me off. Best investment ever.

    Twitter: @davidsven

    13. The perfect synonyms:

    tweet reading my bf's first language is french and he forgot the word for lid so instead held up a pot and asked where is his hat

    14. The watchful heroes:

    kid dressed as spiderman watching their sibling in a crib

    15. The heart- and body-warming blankets:

    touching blanket from a deceased husband

    16. The "wastes" of money:

    17. The returned favors:

    my son has been feeding some crows on his way to school and he says one knows him and jumps around excited to see him- which is so cute- and today the crow gave him a dime lol

    Twitter: @michellesound

    18. The very, very high fives:

    person flyiing over toronto while their friend on a ground takes a picture

    19. The full circle moments:

    man meeting the doctor who delivered him

    20. The little baby olives:

    21. Those warm, warm degrees:

    girl sleeping in a degree blanket

    22. The calls out of the blue:

    tweet about a person getting a random call from a baby they dont know

    23. The wonderful names:

    I was behind a grandmother who was apparently visiting Starbucks for the first time. The barista said, "Can I get a name for your drink?" She looked very confused and said, slowly, "I guess just call it Bob?"

    Twitter: @jj_denhollander

    24. The family slideshows:

    dad meeting a kitten for the first time

    25. The thoughtful tips:

    big tip on a small bill

    26. The horse pirates:

    tweet reading someone in my norwegian class didn't know the word for cowboys so called them american horse pirates

    27. The gardeners:

    google maps image of a grandpa that passed away

    28. The balloon kindness:

    29. The big wins:

    30. The study pizzas:

    31. The 6-year-old roasts:

    I explained to my daughter that when Netflix started they used to send you DVDs. 6yr old: (old lady voice) You know, back in my day, the internet used to come in the mail.

    Twitter: @zimmer_donald

    32. The inclusive windows:

    33. The restaurants who give back:

    restaurant providing free meals to kids and those in need

    34. And all the powerful friendships:

    35. The meaningful gestures:

    36. The little extra gifts:

    37. The gentle pranks:

    my 93 y/o resident had me watering her flowers for well over 20 minutes because they had to be perfect. she then told me to look at them really closely and tell me if i noticed anything. they were fake, literally not real at all. then she said april fools go get me a coffee. Lmao

    Twitter: @ky_denzz

    38. The brand-new smiles:

    grandpa that got new teeth and is smiling for the first time in 40 years

    39. The real MVPs:

    40. And remember the tale of the Pizza King:

    41. The good news signs:

    42. Those chance encounters:

    43. The wonderful lunchtime routines:

    44. The very observant babies:

    45. The neighbors with infinite kindness:

    46. The little extra sun:

    47. All the goldfish rescue crews:

    48. The dads trying their best:

    49. The special guests:

    50. The beginnings of beautiful things:

    51. The amazing educators:

    tweet reading my mom is my role model. 
her student couldn’t find a babysitter today & being the true African mother that she is, taught a THREE hour class with the baby on her back & fed him.

    52. The kindness of Willie:

    truck announcing the news their daughter found a kidney

    53. The fresh new looks:

    tweet of a grandma who wanted to match her couch so she wore a similar colored outfit

    54. The changes of heart:

    dad who fell in love with a cat despite not wanting it at first

    55. The 20 years of luck:

    56. The tiny, little mittens:

    tweet reading Today I found out through Facebook that the overnight security guard at my work knits boots and mittens for premature babies at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. He also posts them worldwide. MY HEART

    57. The people who help others:

    table full of goodies for USPS workers

    58. The kind notes:

    note from a restaurant offering free food

    59. The perfect gifts:

    tweet reading When my son was born, i created an email address for him.
Every achievement and photo taken is sent to that email.

When he is old enough, he will get the password and will have all those memories.

    60. The practical jokes:

    tweet reading Before my mum passed away, she gave my dad strict instructions to water the plants in the bathroom. They look so amazing he decided to take them to his new home, only to discover they are plastic!

    61. The hard-hitting, late-breaking news:

    A boy just ran up to the live truck and said "Can you report my smile?" Yes, we can Cameron @FOX29philly

    Twitter: @daveeitzen

    62. And always lend a hand:

    63. Remember all the people starting a new journey:

    64. And all the adoptions:

    65. The A+ reviews:

    66. All the creative costumes:

    My cousin lost his arm in a motorcycle accident, so he's the part in the movie where Woodie's arm starts to rip 😿😍

    Twitter: @gorjess_elyn

    67. The Meter Heroes:

    68. The jobs finished:

    69. The lifelong friendships:

    70. The late-night bathroom companions:

    71. The profound texts:

    72. The POWERFUL masks:

    I told my daughter to grab her mask so we can go to the store. This was the mask she grabbed.

    Twitter: @SunsetSoFresh

    73. The brand-new paint jobs:

    74. The newly minted doctors:

    My Pops doing his dissertation for his PhD from Howard at 70 years old

    Twitter: @UncleRoss_

    75. And the well wishes from the past: