36 Pictures That Will Make You Miss 5th Grade

    So many scissors... so little time.

    1. The OG fidget spinner:

    2. Old school pencil sharpeners with the container for shavings:

    3. Your MASTERPIECE:

    4. Cracking your back while sitting in this chair:

    5. Cursive instructions lining the wall:

    6. Those clackety clacking jumpropes in gym class:

    7. And those mats that provided basically no protection at all:

    8. Sharpening your pencil like this to DOUBLE productivity:

    9. Stylin' on your papers with these scissors:

    10. Or these bad boys right here:

    11. That one map in front of the class:

    12. The joy of looking at a cafeteria calendar:

    13. That tinny, sweaty smell from gym class pinnies:

    14. Seeing a fresh watercolor kit and knowing you were in for a good day:

    15. That unforgettable smell of this marker:

    16. Slapping glue all over your hand...

    17. And peeling it off:

    18. Sticking a bunch of markers together to make a sword:

    19. Or using these to make a sword:

    20. Those weird giant-ass sinks:

    21. Being super edgy and doing this all the time:

    22. That container that held all your stuff that exploded upon the slightest contact with the ground:

    23. The cold, cold surface of lab tables:

    24. Asking the magical eraser:

    25. And those smelly erasers from art class:

    26. Gettin' boobless with it on a calculator:

    27. Math... IN BLOCK FORM:

    28. Seeing this and knowing you were in for the most boring hour of your life:

    29. Or hearing "HEADS UP, 7-UP" and knowing you were in for the best hour:

    30. Or this, the most exciting sight in the world:

    31. Hearing tests in the nurse's office with these big ol' headphones:

    32. Doing this experiment once every few years:

    33. Sweet, glorious ice cream with a wooden stick:

    34. The almighty chalk claw:

    35. High fashion for your pencil:

    36. And putting up all the chairs at the end of the day: