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    The Decline Of Dating

    What goes into a first date? Let's talk scenarios. Scenario 1: A young man makes eye contact with a pretty new co-worker. He plans out his approach and strikes up a conversation with the girl about her cool Beatles tee shirt. Nervously, yet confidently he asks for her phone number. She is happy to oblige. Later that week he makes the first phone call. He invites her out for desert at the new crepe place downtown. She says yes! So the prep begins. He makes a reservation, cleans out his car, and puts on his fancy date shirt. He picks her up at her apartment at the appointed time, walks her to the car and opens the door. He strikes up conversation and is attentive as she speaks. At the restaurant they laugh as they talk about their home towns, baseball, and weird pet peeves. When the time comes he is sure to take the check. As they drive home she thanks him for such a delicious, fun first date. He walks her to her doorstep, thanks her with a hug and then leaves. Scenario 2: A young man sits during his lunch break at work swiping through pictures of girls on social media. He finds one who he finds to be very attractive. He sends her a message and waits to see if she will respond. Later that night she responds and they send one another flirtatious messages until finally deciding to meet up the next night. The next night he sits in his car next to Taco Bell as he waits for her to show up. After waiting an hour and two soft tacos later he decides to take off. She messages him later that night, "Sorry. I was with friends and forgot. Maybe another time." Which scenario would you rather be a part of? A lack of genuine and real interaction in the dating world has surfaced largely because of texting and dating sites. Swipes and likes defined by looks and appearance objectify and tell users what they are worth. Users are able to emphasize and minimize personal and physical traits like strangers behind masks. Online dating can be deceiving. Text messaging also provides a private, faceless interaction that provokes language and behavior that would otherwise not be used. Social media and texting have changed the culture of dating. Through the fog of the current dating world, the glimmer of hope remains in those that date with chivalry, the way mom and dad taught us. Every girl deserves a knight in shining armor, not a villain behind a mask. Specific dating apps have had a transcendent effect on the dating scene, converting dating into casual "hang outs." Many dating sites are low risk, low reward. It doesn't take any effort to swipe on a pretty girl. You match with some and you won't with others. You mindlessly message these matches. This type of interaction lets users know not much is expected. How ironic that the last thing these dating apps are promoting is a real date. Why do we shy away from the tangible interactions of dating? Is it because we are naturally drawn to the path of least resistance? Where does the path of least resistance lead us? Strongly founded relationships are not found behind the walls of the web. Happy couples know how to communicate with one another and they spend quality time together. We decide how to foster our relationships. We can exit the path of least resistance and choose to date the right way. I'll admit dating can be nerve-wracking. Whether it's making the first phone call, trying to plan the perfect date, or finishing the night at the door step. Dating has its fair share of stress and difficulty. So why do we do it? Because it's real! It's real people, real dating experience, and real relationships done right. We need to emerge from the darkness and ambiguity of internet interaction. We can reshape the dating world and remove the stigma that surrounds us. We can create a dating revolution: dating done right. To all of the knights in shining armor I ask, "Is there anything more noble than that?" Sincerely, The Dating Experts from the best dating app

    Dating App