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    BoJack Horseman Takes On The Abortion Neighsayers

    Everyone's favorite cartoon horse gets real about a woman's right to choose in the season three episode "N.B.D."

    The animated Netflix show about a talking horse tackled a major issue in season three:


    From pundits...

    And the panelists...

    To the religious types...

    And the onerous and emotionally-draining laws...

    The show covered everyone's opinion on the issue.

    But in the end, it’s a personal choice and personal experience.

    Sharing the stories of the diverse range of woman who've had abortions - teen pop stars, 30-something couples, and the girl next door - is important, and normalizes a regular medical procedure that some seek to stigmatize.

    And season three of "BoJack Horseman" just spent an episode making sure these stories are heard.

    Season three of "Bojack Horseman" is now streaming on Netflix.