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    Signs You Live In A Sun Deprived Country

    Where Frozen isn't just a Disney movie, it's a lifestyle.

    You wake up to this charming sight every morning

    When a ray of sunshine actually does get through the clouds, you drop everything and do this

    But most of the time you struggle to get your eyes adjusted

    All your international friends are spending their summer like this

    Meanwhile, this is what your day out at the beach looks like

    Everyone else gets four even seasons. You get just the one. All. year. round.

    Your complete and utter lack of sunlight has left your complexion looking strangely similar to the White Witch from Narnia

    All your food has extra portions Vitamin D to compensate for all that natural light you're not getting

    Any sun-related song that comes on the radio is your personal form of torture

    Your country generates its power with these

    Meanwhile every other country is fuelling up on these

    You're constantly looking for that Instagram filter that will make the weather in your photo look less depressing

    Even the Orcs in Mordor are getting more light than you

    In an attempt to stay positive, you change your laptop wallpaper to a photo from your last holiday

    When all it really does is make you feel even worse about the country you live in