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    7 GIFs To Get You Through The Week!

    TGIF amirite?!

    No gif could possibly provide the kind of sustenance and resolve needed to get through the work week, no matter how challenging your job might be. You're looking for a sense of support, of fulfillment, and you came to the wrong place. This won't work.

    What you need to do is take time for yourself. Not a lot: Start with 5 minutes today. Seriously, that's all. Five minutes where you sit on your couch and think about yourself. How was your day? What went well? What was embarrassing? How do you feel? What's really going on in your head? Give yourself the chance to slow down. Allow yourself that most precious luxury: time for yourself.

    You don't have to know everything. You don't have to feel strong all the time. You don't have to fix everyone's problems.

    Life is going to look a lot different than you thought it would, and that's OK. It really, really is. You don't have to figure everything out at once. It's enough to start by asking yourself what you want to do, and what really makes you happy.

    Be bold.