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    Should You Cruise? YES

    Here's why:

    Cruises are inexpensive.

    Unlimited food is included!

    Entertainment is included!

    So is this!

    And this!

    Just look at this theater.

    You visit some of the most beautiful places in the world!

    Like this!

    And this!

    Some deals include unlimited drinks.

    Yeah, those kind of drinks.

    Look at the rooms.

    This is an INSIDE stateroom.

    There's even nightlife included!

    The restaurants aren't your average restaurant.

    I forgot to mention there's a SHOPPING MALL.

    And waterslides.

    And a park with REAL PLANTS

    Oh, and an ice bar.

    And a bar where robots serve you.

    And iceskating.

    Did I mention the unlimited food?


    This is the view from anywhere on the ship.

    So stop doing this.

    And go book a cruise!