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16 Bone-Chilling Photos That'll Turn You Into An Official Member Of The "No Sleep Club"

My stomach is doing somersaults.

I don't think I'll ever learn to not look at r/oddlyterrifying when my stress levels are high. Here's to another night of no sleep, I guess. These 16 photos messed me up GOOD:

1. "My car broke down, and the tow guy found a tracker."

Hand holding a 'hum' branded lighter with a lightbulb design next to the logo

2. "This abandoned hospital."

Abandoned hospital room with surgical lights and table amidst decay

3. "Verrrry pregnant goat."

A pregnant goat named Beverly walking in a field with text overlay "Beverly is about to pop" with surprised emojis

4. "Actual footage from a storm in Dubai. You can see the sky turn GREEN."

Cityscape shrouded in a haze, possibly indicating weather conditions or pollution, with visible structures and vegetation

5. "Spotted in Paris today. They didn't move for, like, 20 minutes."

Group of people using VR headsets outdoors near a signpost

6. "The mold in this cup."

A hand holds a container with a swollen and overflowing lid, seemingly due to fermentation or chemical reaction

7. "'Get a pool, it will be relaxing,' they said."

Close-up of a scorpion on a speckled sandy surface

8. "Setenil de las Bodegas in Spain."

Narrow street with buildings under a large overhanging rock formation

9. "The way this user sensors faces."

Two people in a selfie, one's face is obscured by their hair swept over, in a car

10. "These Baymax seat covers spooked me."

Two large plush ghosts placed on car's front seats appear to be 'driving'

11. "Creepy illusion."

A humorous door handle prank featuring a bagged item resembling a hand reaching out

12. "'The Stairs of Death' in Peru."

Tourists on steep stairs at Machu Picchu overlooking ancient ruins and landscape

13. "Hotel room escape."

A bathroom door with peeling paint and visible marks, showcasing wear and tear

14. "I noticed this face in the TP holder while washing my hands."

Dispenser with an upside-down toilet paper roll against a tiled wall

15. "Empty 20-lane highway in Naypyidaw, Myanmar."

Wide empty boulevard with a large building in the distance and two people walking

16. And finally, "McDonald's in Poland."

Person in a Happy Meal costume waving, inside a restaurant