16 Shocking And Unexpectedly Weird Posts That Made Me Super Uncomfortable

    Sick and twisted.

    1. This Snapchat conversation that was hopefully submitted as evidence to the police:

    2. This not-so-strange coincidence:

    3. This turn of events:

    4. This Starbucks order:

    5. This slightly important detail:

    Wait... from HolUp

    6. These "white bell peppers":

    7. This absolute rollercoaster of a "cheating" story:

    8. This cursed tweet reply:

    9. This boyfriend who crossed the line:

    Baby from HolUp

    10. This stripping Mario:

    Mario from HolUp

    11. This use of resources:

    12. This graphic T:

    oookay from HolUp

    13. This terrifying comment:

    14. This Shrek dream:

    15. This realHIGHzation:

    16. And finally, this trash packing method:

    H/T: r/HolUp