16 Awful Things Men Wrote About Women That You'll Have To Rub Your Eyes To Believe

    We're not just tits and ass.

    1. This writer who literally made up a measurement for boobs:

    2. This writer who assumes every mother-daughter relationship is marred by jealousy and abuse:

    3. This writer who wrote a hypersexual description of Britney Spears when she was still a minor:

    4. This writer who thinks cheese is as deep as we go:

    5. This writer who can shove this list up his derrière:

    6. This writer (Shane Dawson lol) who really didn't have to put this detail in his description:

    7. This writer (Murakami) who is still thinking about their characters' breasts — even when they're dead:

    8. And this writer who is still thinking about their character's vagina — even when they're mostly ash:

    9. This writer who thinks "withdrawn breasts" are a symptom of depression: 

    10. This writer who just had to connect their character's anger to their period:

    11. This writer (Stephen King) who thinks all it takes for a woman to orgasm is a "single merciless stroke":

    12. This writer whose mission appears to be making women second-guess everything they wear:

    13. This writer who's really tiptoeing on the pedophile line:

    14. This writer who somehow managed to stigmatize sex workers while simultaneously insulting women who aren't in sex work:

    15. This writer who should probably get therapy for their deep-seated fear of educated women:

    16. And this writer who somehow managed to sexualize a mummy: