Oof, That Felt Good — 16 Satisfying Photos That Are So Pleasing, You'll Dump Your Mid Boyfriend

    My eyeballs will rest easy tonight.

    Sometimes when I'm having a stressful day, I'll scroll through r/oddlysatisfying and r/Satisfyingasfuck for some meditative eye candy. Here are my favorite images from this month:

    1. This car hitting a million miles:

    An odometer showing seven zeros

    2. This before and after of a river cleaning project in Indonesia:

    Water in a canal filled with garbage and then water still murky, but garbage gone

    3. This freshly paved road:

    A perfectly smooth suburban road, no cars

    4. The way this Wii perfectly fits into the TV stand:

    The Wii sitting in the shelf and perfectly flush with top and bottom shelves

    5. This frozen Honda logo:

    Person holding a frozen sheer Honda logo

    6. This photo that looks like a split screen but is just shadows perfectly aligned:

    An outdoor motel balcony showing the sun illuminating one side

    7. This before and after of a shoe shine:

    Work shoe looks faded tan on left and shiny, rusty brown on the right

    8. This scenic skating setting:

    Two people ice-skating on a frozen-over lake with snowcapped mountains in the background

    9. This optical illusion sculpture at the Smithsonian:

    The interior walls of a house on grass that look like the exterior

    10. This cat walking perfectly into preexisting paw prints:

    A cat walking in snow using paw prints that are already there

    11. This guinea pig fitting perfectly into a slipper:

    A guinea pig's rear visible through the opening of a furry, ankle-top slipper

    12. These "United" cookies:

    Frosted sugar cookies with sprinkles that are all in different shapes and form the map of the United States when put together

    13. This rolled strip of snow:

    A ball of snow that looks like a swirl inside

    14. This reflection on the My Neighbor Totoro DVD:

    Two animated girls in the video reflected on the DVD surface

    15. This dog that naturally lined up with the pig silhouette on the rug:

    A dog lying on a mat in the same position, and the same size, as the pig on the mat

    16. And finally, this tree that looks like a chemical equation:

    A tree with branches in the shape of pentagon molecular/organic chemistry formulas