15 Real-Life Photos That Feel Like They Were Screenshotted From A Nightmare

    "I woke up with a long white hair embedded in my forehead. It's almost like it grew there over night."

    I don't think anyone can say with confidence whether other dimensions exist. But some of the bizarre photos on r/weird definitely make me question things. Here are 16 photos from this month that didn't quite feel real:

    1. "These plane seats found on a beach."

    plane seats washed up to shore

    2. "This human-shaped grass patch where everything else dried out."

    a dog standing on a green patch of grass

    3. "This foamy beach."

    a foamy beach

    4. "Who would trim their cat like this?"

    a cat with a lion cut

    5. "This fish with human expressions."

    a scary fish with a human expression

    6. "This portable cremation van."

    a portable cremation van

    7. "The crib cam can't see the design on our son's PJs, but CAN see the sheets design?"

    Screenshots from someone's crib cam

    8. "An unnerving find at the thrift store."

    "Solving Discipline Problems"

    9. "Spawn of Satan."

    A goat with multiple horns

    10. "This baggage claim carousel."

    a baggage claim carousel with a car at the end

    11. "Not too weird."

    People on a boat wearing scary masks

    12. "My apple has no seeds."

    a seedless apple

    13. "Strange things found in the basement ceiling of my new acquired home."

    Tapes in an attic crawlspace

    14. "I took an impression of my belly button!"

    a belly button impression next to someone's finger

    15. And finally, "I woke up with a long white hair embedded in my forehead. It's almost like it grew there over night."

    a person pulling a long gray hair out of their forehead