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14 Criticisms People Have About American Parents

"My son is 5,384 months old."

Everyone has different parenting styles, but there's no denying that there are certain clichés that come with each culture. Since we never like to miss out on an opportunity to poke fun at Americans, here are 14 questions the rest of the world has for American parents:


why do american parents call each other mom and dad


Why do American parents love drinking with their kids? Y’all weird af.


why do american parents in films make jokes about shagging in front of their kids if my parents did that i’d probs pack my bags and buy a one way ticket to adoption


why do american parents always say "my kid is 234892839827872 months old"???? like bro just tell me their AGE


Why do American parents call their kids "champ" if my dad called me that I'd tell child services


Why do American parents always say ‘good job’ when their kids do anything


why do American parents kick their kids or want them out of the house by 18??? Or is it just in movies??


Why do American parents say 'Go to your room!' as punishment? Might as well say, 'Go upstairs where all your cool stuff is and love life.'


Why do American parents get so hyped when their kids learn how to use the toilet


Why do American parents hate gap years so much? Will never understand.


Why do American parents speak to their little kids like idiots and not regularly like every other nationality


Why do American parents send their kids to summer camp when they can't handle them?!


Why do American parents remind you that it's their house and not yours?


why do parents in america allow their kids who are still like aged 5 to swear?