13 Stomach-Dropping Pictures That Prove We're Living In "The Sims"

    I've got some "WooHoo" requests for whoever is controlling me up there.

    I've always had this eerie feeling that I'm living in a simulation. Some stuff that happens to me really feels like a mysterious giant up above is just dragging a mouse around and messing with my life. I recently saw some photos that made me feel like I might be right. Here are 13 photos that'll freak you the hell out if you're also terrified you might be a "Sim:"

    1. This itty bitty spec of a person on a giant cruise ship:

    2. This tiny little town and cars that are dwarfed by this enormous mountain:

    3. This small man standing next to a gargantuan statue:

    4. This ants-eye view of some giant hands:

    5. These enormous propellers in comparison to the minuscule people standing next to them:

    6. This ant of a human next to a nuclear cooling tower:

    7. These baby peeps standing next to a monster ship:

    8. This duo that looks horrifyingly tiny compared to the whale lurking beneath them:

    9. The size of this school bus in contrast to the hauler that's wheeling it around:

    10. This haunting graphic that compares the size of tornados to humans:

    11. This person chilling next to a massive tree:

    12. This dude who's just a speck in the field:

    13. And finally, these folks who look like toys next to these colossal curtains: