17 "Pick-Me" Women Who Threw Other Girls Under The Bus, While Trying Way Too Hard To Impress Men

    "Dear all women: Pokémon is not a real game. Animal Crossing is not a real game. The Sims is not a real game. Mario is not a real game."

    According to Urban Dictionary, a "pick-me girl" is "a girl who seeks male validation by indirectly or directly insinuating that she is 'not like the other girls.'" A great example would be that one girl in your life who can't stop talking about how much she loves sports and "drinking some brewskis with the boys." Maybe she actually likes sports...Or maybe she's just trying to impress the men in her life. The world may never know!

    What I do know is that there are some certified pick-me girls with zero self-awareness (and a whole lot of internalized misogyny) that have developed a liking for embarrassing themselves on the internet, and I cannot look away. Here are 17 examples that made me want to punch a wall:

    1. This woman who doesn't "see other women as full people:"

    woman writing a whole paragraph about how she doesn't like women

    2. This woman who is just perpetuating the already-existing misogyny in the gaming world:

    a post claiming other people can't be gamers if all they're playing is pokemon go

    3. This woman who feels the need to cut down sex workers in order to build herself up:

    4. This woman who thinks having children makes her superior to other women:

    mom with a sign reading moms should get a free pass to the front of the line at coffee shops, honey, you're 22

    5. And this women who thinks having a vaginal birth makes her superior to other moms:

    woman saying that c-section women have it so easy

    6. This woman who likes to shame other women's book choices:

    woman saying that a you are on the colleen hoover side of booktok i am on the dostoevsky side we are not the same

    7. This woman who weirdly thinks she's better than other women because she drinks Monsters instead of Starbucks:

    most girls are addicted to target but i am addicted to monster zero's we're not the same

    8. This woman who's judging people based on the type of period products they use:

    girls who prefer pads over tampons are so untrustworthy ngl

    9. This woman who has an embarrassingly overactive imagination:

    i may not be the woman you marry but i'll be one you still think about in 10 years

    10. This woman who is hopefully the last person to ever use the hashtag "#ieatlikeadude":

    11. This woman who has no business commenting on other women's bodies:

    women, being over 125 pounds isn't a flex

    12. This woman who is using a disappointing approach to online dating:

    woman's dating bio dissing other women

    13. This woman who needs to get off her high horse:

    woman's bathroom selfie

    14. This woman who's making a fool of herself on Reddit:

    woman complaining that other women

    15. This woman who should shut her mouth and keep reading her physics book:

    people always tell me i'm unique but i don't really think about it until moments like these when i realize how vastly different i am from the majority of women

    16. This woman who thinks wearing a dress is a necessary gender marker:

    woman saying dresses are necessary

    17. And finally, this woman who is a lost cause:

    i am the only girl that don't support woman's rights and like andrew tate

    H/T: r/notliketheothergirls