15 Perfect, Perfect, Perfect Photos For Anyone Having A Not So Perfect Day

    These provided the first true sense of peace I've felt in the New Year.

    1. This Tesla coil passing through a flower:

    a Tesla coil passing through a flower

    2. This 3D printer printing a swirling tree:

    A 3D swirling tree

    3. This piece of metal that you'd never know was two parts:

    A person pulling apart a piece of metal

    4. This before and after of the world's dirtiest sink:

    A dirty sink before and after

    5. This vintage lettering set:

    A vintage lettering set

    6. This perfect light reflection:

    A reflection that looks like a rainbow

    7. This snoozy trio:

    Three dogs napping

    8. This laser rust removal:

    Rust being removed by laser

    9. This hawk enjoying some cuddles:

    Closeup of a hand petting a hawk

    10. This impeccable baklava:


    11. This aerial view of juggling:

    aerial view of a woman juggling
    aerial view of a woman juggling

    12. These skillfully folded sheets:

    folded sheets in a cupboard

    13. This person who painted a board to make it disappear into its background:

    a painted board
    a painted board that's camouflaged into its background

    14. This super clear water:

    view from underwater showing clear bubbles

    15. And finally, this cartoon-looking cat:

    Closeup of a cat