15 Screenshots That Give You An Inside Look At The Dark Side Of Mommy Facebook Groups

    I'm concerned.

    1. This mom who made a disgusting meme to go along with her twisted political agenda:

    2. This mom who told a woman she should train her toddlers to help her with her at-home birth:

    A woman saying she's doing an unassisted birth alone, and another woman commenting that she should teach her toddler how to help

    3. This mom who was trying to sell stupidity on a T-shirt:

    4. This mom who was weirdly casual about potentially having rabies:

    5. This mom who tried to spread false information about sunscreen:

    6. This mom who harassed her employee for her breastmilk:

    7. This mom who didn't think boys should play with dolls:

    8. This mom who claimed that anyone who had a C-section wasn't a "real mom":

    9. This mom who referred to the coronavirus vaccine as "the covid poison DNA"

    10. This mom whose future children are gonna be ruthlessly made fun of:

    11. This mom who was irrationally angry at an...ice cream truck?

    12. This mom who really, REALLY needed to keep this to herself:

    13. This mom who admitted to essentially neglecting her baby:

    14. This mom who tried to take advantage of people in need:

    15. And this mom who threatened to ban anyone who suggested she go to the hospital for a snake bite:

    H/T: r/ShitMomGroupsSay