15 People Who Are Definitely, Totally, 100% Telling The Truth Probably Maybe IDK

    They have quite the imagination.

    1. This person whose big strong muscles kept snapping the COVID vaccine:

    2. This person who was on the first flight ever where an attendant asked if there's a feminist on board:

    3. This person who has a 1.5-year-old with a firm understanding of socialism:

    4. And this person with a 5-year-old who's really invested in the Joe Rogan and Neil Young drama:

    5. This person who sold their MLM product to their doctor:

    6. This professor who uses "periodt."

    7. This person who broke the 5K world record:

    8. This person who thought you were supposed to jab yourself with the COVID vaccine:

    9. This person who convinced their friend to stop being a lesbian with one question:

    10. This person who created a fake "racism against white people" scenario:

    11. This person who had a sitcom moment in the bathroom:

    12. And this person who had a rom-com moment on the airplane:

    13. This person who's teaching Python to 8-year-olds:

    14. This person whose 5-year-old hijacked their phone and took a suspiciously aesthetic photo of them:

    15. And finally, this person who totally goes to Harvard:

    H/T: r/thatHappened