12 Dirty, Rotten Liars Who Were Shamed On The Internet

    I smell a liar.

    1. This person who lied about killing people to sound badass:

    2. This person who got reamed for leaving a false review of a martial arts school:

    3. This person who clearly put eyeliner in their eye for attention:

    4. This person who posted a video of someone else's child and claimed them as their own:

    5. This person who's spreading lies about COVID:

    6. This person who lied about having cancer for attention:

    7. This person too:

    8. This person who tried to steal someone's cat:

    9. This person who lied about their work conditions:

    10. This person who called a moldy couch "superb":

    11. And this person who posted a fake city view:

    H/T: r/quityourbullshit.