17 Mind-Blowing Treasures Discovered In Thrift Stores That'll Leave You Envious

    I'll never get over seeing people buy secondhand Le Creusets for an incredible deal.

    Getting married is great. Having a baby is dope. But you know when I REALLY feel happy for people? When they unearth an amazing item at a thrift store! Here are 17 thrift store finds from r/ThriftStoreHauls that made my jaw drop:

    1. "I thrifted JFK's teacup. President John F. Kennedy’s teacup from Air Force One is a rare find. Back stamp is Franciscan Masterpiece China. Authenticated by a premier Presidential memorabilia collector."

    JFK's teacup

    2. "YOU GUYS. OMG. $55 for all four. I’m done. I’ve peaked."

    Le Creuset pots in a shopping basket

    3. "I stumbled upon a $500 gold slice of pizza."

    A gold slice of pizza

    4. "Look at this cute bag I got for $5 at Goodwill. I’m a 55-year-old man and couldn’t pass it up. A woman in my life will want this, right?"

    Closeup of a multi-colored purse

    5. "'Motivational' stitch-themed cards from 1969/1970 I recently found. These are just a few."

    "Take Thy Pill"
    "Blow in his ear and he'll follow you anywhere"
    "My cup runneth amuck"

    6. "$3 rug for my 3-year-old's reading corner."

    A cat on a rug

    7. "$20 Vera Wang wedding dress at the thrift store."

    A woman modeling a wedding dress

    8. "Found at a random garage sale."

    A doll collection

    9. "Yes, I believe I will rescue this for $8.99."

    A Classic Visions portrait

    10. "Brand new bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle for $3.99."

    Chanel perfume

    11. "1950s toothbrush store display I bought today at the estate sale of a collector of vintage products and packaging."

    A toothbrush display

    12. "$40 for this love seat."

    A love seat

    13. "1970s Burger King uniform. $8 in the Halloween section."

    An old Burger King uniform

    14. "Deviled egg plate clock."

    A deviled egg clock

    15. "Found at Goodwill. Am I obligated to save the world now or what?"

    A ring from Lord of the Rings

    16. "Behold what came in: Yaoi jeans!"

    Yaoi jeans

    17. And finally, "I thrifted the entire collection of Calvin and Hobbes today for $8. To me, I won the lottery."

    Calvin and Hobbes books