24 Disrespectful Opinions That'll Make You Say, "Mind Ya Business"

    "Houses are for females."

    1. This person thinks only women should live in houses:

    2. This person is not impressed with suburban homeowners in general:

    A person being snarky about someone's dream home, which they posted a picture of, and it's a nice, big two-story house

    3. This person thinks only Navy SEALs deserve credit for military training:

    4. This person thinks anyone who pays less than $4,000 for rent is "a child":

    5. This person thinks Gen Z'ers don't deserve employment:

    6. This person thinks adults should not be allowed to have fun:

    7. This person judges trees:

    8. This person thinks they know everything about other people's addiction experiences:

    9. This person doesn't consider anyone who uses new technology a "proper musician":

    10. And this person doesn't consider anyone who's been in a symphony to be a real musician:

    11. This person has weirdly passionate opinions about green Skittles:

    A person on Twitter saying green apple Skittles are for children and someone who likes them probably orders chicken fingers at nice restaurants

    12. This person thinks they can read the minds of every single person who's ever had an abortion:

    A person on Twitter claims "Most rape victims with children eventually regret abortion"

    13. This person doesn't think adults should rest:

    14. This person seems to think that the only acceptable time to procreate is before the age of 25:

    15. This person has really dangerous expectations for a fulfilling childhood experience:

    16. This person has super-offensive opinions about what should be considered poverty:

    17. This person is a killjoy:

    18. This person thinks you're only deserving of the "mother" title if you have a vaginal birth:

    19. This person has some bizarre stances on hygiene:

    20. This person thinks sex is reserved for procreation:

    21. This person thinks iPhones should be the only phones:

    22. This person doesn't believe adults have the right to use umbrellas:

    One person asks if there are adults who use umbrellas, and someone responds by asking if you're supposed to become waterproof at 18

    23. And finally...actually, I kinda agree with this one 😬:

    H/T: r/gatekeeping