These 21 Photos Are Not From A Reality I Want To Be A Part Of

    My therapist will be hearing about every single one of these photos.

    1. The advertisement:

    "This is how Mercedes-Benz advertised their strong headlight."

    2. The glass dumpster:

    A dumpster full of glass

    3. The eyes:

    Flowers for eyes on someone's shadow

    4. The "loading screen":

    A loading screen

    5. The survivor:

    A shark with multiple abrasions all over its body

    6. The relic:

    Gizmo laying dead

    7. The figurine:

    A strange figurine on a countertop

    8. The Invisalign:

    Someone's dirty Invisalign

    9. The guest:

    A tiny crab in an oyster

    10. The children's book:

    A scary photo in a children's book of eyes staring out of darkness

    11. The bear:

    A bear laying in someone's hammock

    12. The roach:

    A roach stuck behind a light switch

    13. The hallway:

    A long, dark hallway

    14. The cabin:

    A cabin in a parking garage

    15. The Easter bunny:

    A chocolate Easter bunny

    16. The Bob:

    A line median painted like SpongeBob SquarePants

    17. The chair:

    A chair that looks like it has a face

    18. The feet:

    Someone's toe sticking out of shoes

    19. The doll:

    A creepy doll on a bed

    20. The fortune:

    A fortune cookie fortune that says, "Don't panic"

    21. And finally, the smile room:

    A doorway leading to the "Smile Room"

    H/T: r/oddlyterrifying