19 Photos Of Things That Should Only Exist In Nightmares, But Unfortunately They're Real

    Something isn't right.

    1. This depiction of a "biblically accurate" angel:

    A bunch of eyes engulfed by feathery wings

    2. This warning note from a messed up neighbor:

    3. This hotdog in a mouse trap:

    4. These ominous findings at the bottom of a dam:

    5. This behind-the-scenes image from Jurassic Park:

    6. Image Credit: Alamy

    7. This photo of the elephant's foot at the Chernobyl site. The elephant's foot is composed of a rare substance called corium. According to the US Department of Energy, it's so radioactive that it would take five minutes for someone to die from exposure to it.

    8. This Michigan cemetery that's home to a slowly-rotating 3,000-pound ball:

    9. This ancient mask that's straight out of a horror movie:

    10. This pile of bones accumulating in a chimney:

    11. This cat version of Michael Myers:

    12. This view that looks like a city underwater:

    13. This shark that had a full bite taken out of it:

    14. This Australian moth that looks like it bred with a centipede and spider:

    15. This pile of a million mosquitos:

    16. This ferris wheel that's supported by a cinder block and a few pieces of wood:

    17. This moth that looks like it's life-size, just chilling in the parking lot:

    18. This accidental distortion that gets scarier and scarier the longer you look at it:

    19. This hole that leads to nowhere:

    20. And finally, this weird vagina couch:

    H/T: r/oddlyterrifying