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These 14 Father-In-Laws Suck So Hard, They Might Scare You Out Of Marriage

You can't live with 'em...That's it. You can't live with 'em.

1. This FIL who really thinks one instance of snowfall is enough to debunk global warming:

2. This FIL who pretty much said, "What's yours is mine" in the worst way possible:

3. This FIL who apparently gives no fucks about COVID-19:

4. This FIL who thinks a doll poses a threat to his grandchildren's masculinity:

5. This FIL whose "park" for the grandkids to play in happens to be missing some grass and trees:

6. This FIL who refuses to get the most out of his Xmas gift:

7. This FIL who's about to poison the whole family:

8. This FIL whose sandwich cutting technique should be outlawed:

9. And this FIL who cuts butter like an animal:

10. This FIL who has some serious explaining to do:

11. This FIL who needs to just throw his whole car away:

12. This FIL who's arguing with A LOT of scientific evidence on the legitimacy of dinosaurs:

13. This FIL who better not be using these when his grandchildren are in the car:

14. And this FIL who got what was coming to him: