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15 Anti-Vaxxers Who Were Roasted Within An Inch Of Their Lives — And Rightfully So

There's no coming back from this.

1. This person who came up with the worst Tinder knockoff to date:

2. This person who probably regrets the moment they hit "Tweet":

3. This person who needs to just pack up and leave the library:

4. And this person who seemingly has no clue how dumb they sound:

5. This person who was murdered by metaphor:

6. This person who doesn't seem to understand how a vaccine is different than an IV:

7. This person who probably shouldn't say they're a doctor, then dog on vaccines:

8. This person who chose the wrong post to comment on:

9. This person who was served a cold hard dose of reality:

10. This person who thought a photo of muddy kids would adequately back up their point:

11. This person who should go back to the 1930s:

12. This person who equated the immune system of an infant to the immune system of a grown human:

13. This person who doesn't even have a basic understanding of history:

14. This person who likely will be the last one laughing:

15. And finally, this person: