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10 Reasons Why Edison Gollum Loves The Magical Colucio Monster

There's going to be a ton of cheese in this so I'll kick it off right now... When talking about how special you are, showcasing only 10 things is like picking a single grain of sand on the biggest beach in the world (eyeroll)... I could write a Harry Potter-esque series based on the many reasons why I love you, and we all know how I love lengthy posts lol... but for the sake of time and nostalgia- a 10 list seemed like the right call. I'm leaving out "top" because the more I uncover about you, the more I love about you and ALL of it comes together to make up something that has such a profound beauty to it- It's hard for me to find words to describe but if I had to... simply perfect.

Gollum 7 years ago