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    36 Things To Buy When You Finally Decide To Upgrade Your Bathroom

    It's low-key the best room in the house. Ok, high-key.

    1. A bidet so you can treat your 🍑 peach 🍑 to the ultimate hygienic experience — like it deserves. It only takes a few minutes to install, so you can get to spraying right away.

    product photo showing the bidet attached to a toilet

    2. A bundle of fresh eucalyptus that'll fill your bathroom with relaxing fragrance every time you take a shower. The relaxing scent can reduce stress and help open up your sinuses, which we'll all need once spring rolls around.

    Bundle of eucalyptus hanging in shower

    3. Or a super convenient eucalyptus lavender pouch you can tie around the showerhead or your tub's faucet to make your bathroom smell like a fancy spa.

    A small satchel of lavender and eucalyptus hanging from a bath handle

    4. A set of bathroom organizing accessories so you can stop scattering everything all over your sink — and because nothing ruins a bathroom's aesthetic like the label on a generic bottle of soap.

    5. A fog-free shower mirror that's perfect for shaving — or for making sure your facial cleanser removed every last bit of your pesky waterproof mascara.

    Model shaving in fog-free mirror

    6. A product dispenser with spots for your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash so you can finally recycle those bulky bottles that are taking up way too much space on your shower's shelves.

    7. A rainfall-style showerhead that'll have you feeling like you're spending the day at a luxury resort — without the resort prices.

    Reviewer's shower with rainfall shower head installed

    8. Or a light-up showerhead to help your 2022 Shower World Tour have the dramatic production value it truly deserves.

    9. A towel rack which will not only save tons of storage space but will also solve your biggest shower pet peeve: forgetting to put a clean towel within arm's reach.

    10. A toothbrush holder with extra space for toothpaste, hand soap, hair products, lotion, cotton rounds, or anything else you want to keep handy.

    Wire toothbrush holder with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and razors placed inside

    11. An extendable tray so you can take a relaxing bath with your iPad, a good book, and your favorite beverage all at arm's length — which is the absolute height of luxury.

    Reviewer's bathtub with bath tray on top

    12. A toothpaste dispenser, because there's nothing more annoying than fumbling around with a crusty tube of Colgate when you've barely wiped away the crust from your eyes. It'll keep your toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other bathroom necessities in their proper place.

    Model holding toothbrush up to automatic toothpaste dispenser

    13. An over-the-drain hair catcher you simply position down on your shower floor and let it collect all your loose strands in a tidy pile that's super easy to clean up.

    Reviewer photo showing hair collected with over-the-drain stopper

    14. A waterproof speaker that'll take your shower concerts to the next level. It has an impressive 12-hour battery life on a single charge, meaning you can sing and cry your way through Adele's Easy on Me approximately 180 times before needing to recharge.

    15. A set of three floating shelves to keep all your most-used items at eye level —because it's really time you stopped scattering them all over the sink.

    16. A bamboo toilet topper tray so you'll have a perfect place to store extra toilet paper rolls or anything else you've run out of room for under the sink. It'll make it seem like the random pile of stuff is there for a reason.

    Reviewer photo of tray on top of toilet

    17. A motion-activated LED toilet bowl light with 16 colors to help guide the way to the bathroom when your bladder rudely wakes you up at 3 a.m.

    18. A set of clear plastic jars so you can keep essentials like cotton balls and Q-tips in their proper place instead of throwing them in random drawers and cabinets that you can never keep organized.

    Reviewer photo of three clear plastic jars filled with various toiletries and placed on bathroom sink

    19. Or a little lotus that turns your cotton swabs into a precious piece of décor. It even has a clear lid to keep your Q-tips protected and free of dust.

    Flower-shaped cotton swab holder filled with cotton swabs

    20. A bottle holder to keep your shampoos and body washes permanently upside down so you'll never have to shake your bottles to get every last ounce out.

    21. A pack of four shower curtain adhesive clips that will not only keep your liner from flapping all over the place, but will also ensure that there are no pesky puddles on the floor when you step out of the tub.

    22. An elephant-shaped toothbrush holder with a draining hole in its 3D-printed snout. It'll be like going to the zoo every time you brush your teeth, without the overpriced tickets.

    23. A Waterpik water flosser because, admit it, you never floss as much as your dentist tells you to. A Waterpik is way easier to use than traditional floss, and your dentist will be SO proud when they see how little plaque has built up since your last visit.

    Waterpik water flosser on a bathroom vanity

    24. A foot scrubber to effortlessly clean your feet and give them an invigorating massage at the same time — all without ever bending over!

    reviewer photo of their foot being washed with the scrubbing pad

    25. A soap scum-resistant shower curtain liner with rust-proof grommets that over 131,000 reviewers have left a 5-star rating for. It even has weighted magnets on the bottom to stop it from flying all over the place.

    Reviewer's bathroom with anti-mildew shower curtain hanging

    26. An expandable shelf that will help you make the most out of that awkward space under your sink. It's fully adjustable, so you can easily fit it around your sink's pipes.

    27. An over-the-toilet storage solution so you can clear some space on your sink and make your bathroom seem way more spacious than it actually is.

    Over-the-toilet bathroom shelving unit with various items placed on shelves

    28. A spinning cosmetics organizer with adjustable shelves that will instantly make you feel like a glamorous beauty vlogger. Tati Westbrook is quaking.

    29. A decorative toilet paper holder and storage unit, because it's time to stop leaving your rolls on the floor in their original packaging.

    Toilet paper holder placed in bathroom

    30. A set of rust-proof shelves — it fits perfectly in the corner of your shower so you can finally stop sitting everything on the ledge and hoping it doesn't topple over.

    Reviewer photo of corner shelving unit installed in shower

    31. Or a shelf with several hooks that simply hangs with a powerful adhesive and has *so* many uses. You can obviously use it as a helpful caddy in the shower (it even has hooks for loofahs and razors!), but you can also stick it above your stove for a place to store your go-to spices and oils.

    Caddy basket hanging in shower with toiletries inside

    32. A grossly adorable Shrek-shaped toothpaste cap so you can start and end your day like the ~All Star~ you are.

    33. A bottle of The Bucko soap scum and grime remover spray to tackle years and years of nastiness in your tub, so it's basically a time machine in a bottle.

    34. An eight-pack of hand towels — they're soft, lightweight, and super absorbent. And you know how some skin care products and acne creams leave behind those weird discolored splotches on your towels? These are made of a "cosmetic friendly" fabric that's designed to resist those stains!

    Hand towel in the shade Lavender Bloom hanging on towel hook in a bathroom

    35. grout ink pen to take the space between your tiles from grimy to shiny in a few simple swipes. It's like a more productive version of an adult coloring book!

    Reviewer photo showing tiles before using grout ink pen
    Reviewer photo showing the same tiles after using grout ink pen

    This won't clean your grout but it'll make it look brand-new.

    Promising review: "I was pleasantly surprised by how far these went. I did the entire floor of my large master bathroom plus a little of the shower with one pen. It is pretty forgiving and you have quite a bit of working time before it dries completely. This was not a quick task, but it went faster than I thought it would. I was worried the white would look too bright, but it just makes everything look so much cleaner. Very happy with this product!" —Jenelle

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two sizes).

    36. And a drain cover so you can fill your tub up to the max and get the full body soak you truly deserve — because what's the point of taking a bath if your shoulders and knees aren't even covered?!

    Before-and-after photo showing increased water level in tub after using drain cover

    Everyone when they step in your bathroom:

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