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    Who Will Live & Who Will Die In "Breaking Bad"

    Out of all your beloved Breaking Bad characters, who will end up like our fried chicken connoisseur, Gus Fring?

    So, who's going to be left standing at the end of Breaking Bad?

    Oh, and we even give you what we like to call the "Fring-o-meter" to show how likely the character is push up daisies...

    1. Walter White (Heisenburg)

    Fring-o-meter: 9/10

    Obviously, with Heisenberg's prior history of death pretty much surrounding his every move, we're going to assume that he kicks the bucket towards the end of the series. Many theories are out about this, including one where everything goes out sort-of as planned, with Walt dying of his cancer and leaving all the money to his family. Seems legit, right? In season 5 so far, we even have that scene where Walt goes back for test results, when he sees the paper towel dispenser he punched, but we never hear the test results. Maybe seeing the Angry-Walt-Hulk-Smash dispenser is a symbol of Walt's reversing fate?

    Or, does Walt die trying to save someone he is close to? My money is on Jesse, or his beloved daughter, Holly (who Hank said in an interview with NPR is involved in a "chilling scene" this season, but more on that below...)

    Another theory even has Skyler trying to poison Walt the Ricin so carefully hidden behind the outlet in their bedroom...but is she successful?

    2. Skyler White

    Fring-o-meter: 9/10

    No, Marie doesn't kill her for yelling at her repeatedly to shut up...we all know that. But, Skyler is another obvious pick to go away. (Everyone wishes she just would already...)

    Our money is on her discovering the Ricin that is hidden behind the outlet in her own bedroom, and off-ing herself with it. Other theories talk about her simply running away, not being able to take another second with Walt. No matter how she dies, it is pretty inevitable, seeing that Walt, in the cold-open of Season 5 is doing the whole birthday-age-number thing with his bacon all cute like Skyler used to do (probably before she died, try to keep up here, people...)

    Either way, she is more useful to the show's plot if she is the first ill-fated character in the series.

    3. Jesse Pinkman


    Jesse's had his fair share of scrapes with the Grim Reaper, too. Our best theory has Jesse unlikely to die. Walter, likely protecting the interest of the only person who is still like "family" to him (as seen by the continuing references to his Rolex from Jesse for his birthday), won't let Jesse die, and certainly won't resort to killing him.

    However, it is a possibility that Walter may die trying to save Jesse, sort of the old jump-in-front-of-the-bullet-thing for his fellow meth cooker. Either way, Jesse doesn't look likely to kick it.

    4. Hank Schrader

    Fring-o-meter: 3/10

    Hank, although hits have been ordered on him in the past, seems unlikely to meet an untimely death in the new season. He has been shown to care for Walt & Skyler's kids, and may have caught Walt red-handed in the last episode we all had the privilege to see.

    Plus, Hank unknowingly already accepted drug money from Walt to pay for his physical therapy, so he would be putting himself out if he turned Walt in, eliminating the need for Hank to pass on, because Hank will likely stay silent about the whole situation.

    5. Marie Schrader

    Fring-o-meter: 2/10

    Jesus Christ Marie! Our klepto-spoon-thief, also seems unlikely to pass away. She is one of the few characters who has represented both Walt and Skyler evenly in their bumpy (and I mean bumpy) marriage, and has played a better mother to Walt, Jr. and Holly than Skyler even has.

    Plus, like we said above with Hank, there's that little problem with accepting filthy drug money to help out with the family finances. Silly Marie.

    Oh, and why can't we find a funny animated GIF anywhere on the internet of you, Marie? So sad when that happens.

    6. Walt, Jr.

    Fring-o-meter: 1/10

    Walt, Jr. is probably the most unlikely person to die in this whole show. He is a dynamic character, and he still has a good relationship with a father who takes good care of him (even though he's a master drug kingpin, too.)

    Walt, Jr. may end up living with Hank & Marie if Walter and/or Skyler end up six feet under, but even under Uncle Hank's protection, he's likely to live on.

    But, one theory does have him taking over his dear old dad's drug empire after Pops' untimely passing...

    7. Saul Goodman

    So, How Will it All End?!